Your jewellery could be your cash now. If any emergency situation rises and you need money urgently, your jewellery can come handy. While your gold stays safe with us, you can go ahead and take advantage of every opportunity.
Your jewellery could be your cash now. If any emergency situation rises and you need money urgently, your jewellery can come handy. While your gold stays safe with us, you can go ahead and take advantage of every opportunity.
Rate of Interest | 9% p.a with monthly rests. |
Margin | 30% of valuation |
TenureTerm Loan | 36 months |
Overdraft facility | 12 Months, subject to renewal. |
Security | Pledge of gold ornaments/Jewelry only. Valuation should be on the basis of the bank’s approved valuer’s report. |
Processing Fees | 1% of the Loan/Overdraft/Maximum Rs. 1000/- + GST. |